

Spidahl Ski Gaard no longer maintains an inventory of rental equipment.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  


Friday-Saturday-Sunday-Monday    10:00 AM to Dusk    (Unlimited skiing for Season Pass holders.)


March 6, 2025

The big spring storm stayed to the south so the ski season ends quietly.  There are trees to tap  and the sights and sounds of spring to enjoy.  Thanks for visiting if you made it out this winter.

February 24, 2025

The warm weather yesterday took its toll on our trails.  Everything is very hard at 10:00 am from the ground freeze.  Probably best not to ski today.

February 22, 2025

All trails, except Uff Dah!, are in nice shape and groomed for both classic and skate skiing.  Uff Dah! is groomed for skate only.  Some of the best skiing of the season!

Deer Meadow

February 13, 2025

After a nice five inch snowfall, all trails groomed with classic tracks and skate lanes.  Excellent skiing!

Liz’s Loop February 12th

February 2, 2025

We received a nice snowfall sufficient to groom most trails.  Due to the extensive melting all exposed trail sections will be groomed flat with tracks set in wooded areas with good base.  Please use caution in the parking lot and on the trails that are exposed as there could be ice underneath the snow.  Classic skiers should ski to either side of sections that have no track set.

Otter Slide on Emma’s

January 31, 2025

The ski trails are temporarily closed due to unsafe (icy) conditions and not enough base to be able to renovate.  A snowfall will be necessary to reopen.  Please check trail conditions after the next snowfall.  Thanks for your understanding.

January 24, 2025

The ski trails in the woods are in nice shape with track and skate lanes set in most areas.  No track set in most open areas and the trails are firm with no give to the base.

Members of the Fergus Falls Nordic Ski Team  Photo by J. Scharnberg

January 13, 2025

We finally got a nice snowfall that was sufficient to provide a good base over the ice covered trails and trail head area.  Tracks are set in the woods with skate lanes groomed on all trails except Uff Dah! and Skidalen.  They will get groomed tomorrow.  Should be good skiing if you can handle the cold!

Setting Track on Liz’s Loop January 13, 2025

December 28, 2024

We had a very fun race on Friday with lots of good efforts by all, but the end result after losing much snow during the night and day, and tons of traffic on the trails from the race, is pretty much solid ice at the trail head and on any trail that was used for the races.  We need to be closed until further snow for safety reasons.

December 24, 2024

Good early season skiing continues.  All trails are open with combination track set except on Uff Dah! and Skidalen.  There will be some grass and exposed sections of track.  Please step out of track when necessary.  Use caution in the parking lot and of course never ski in the parking lot.  Thanks!

The Ronnevik Boys Skiing Speedy’s December 23, 2024

December 21, 2024

Uff Dah! and Skidalen are packed only.  All other trails have a skate lane and track set.  Caution should be used in the track as there are grassy and some bare spots.  Skate lane has set up nicely.

Night Grooming on Deer Meadow and Speedy’s

December 19, 2024

December 20, 2024

Packed all the trails yesterday and set track on Deer Meadow, Chick’s Bopp, Emma’s and Speedy’s.  Received an additional two inches since grooming so continuing to work on trails.  We will be open today and open daily through Jan 1, 2025, then continuing with regular scheduling.

November 20, 2024

Received 1.5″ of snow overnight with lots of wind.  Good news is that the below freezing temperatures combined with the wind will cool down the ground and help prevent ground melting when we get more snow.

April 2, 2023

Spring skiing conditions.  Skate lane is renovated and is fast and fun.  Classic tracks are glazed and icy. Tracks should soften up by mid afternoon.  Looks like the last day of skiing this season.

March 26, 2023

Spring skiing.  Skate lanes have been renovated but classic tracks left alone.  Tracks are glazed.  Great for double poling, but step out on uphills and downhills.  Will soften up as the day goes on.

March 18, 2023

Beautiful spring skiing conditions.  Speedy’s, Chick’s Bopp, and Emma’s are all groomed for classic and skate skiing.  Nice firm skate deck but soft on top.  Waited until the wind died down to set tracks, so they are pretty much leaf free.  Enjoy.

Deer Meadow

March 10, 2023

Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp, Speedy’s, and Deer Meadow groomed for skate and classic.  Skate lane on Speedy’s packed only so will be quite soft.  It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Tomorrow’s forecast (Saturday) looks problematic.  A late afternoon ski today might be a better choice.

Viking Road

March 5, 2023

All the skate lanes have been renovated and the classic tracks left alone.  The tracks are glazed in some areas.  Classic skiers are welcome to get out of the tracks and ski on the skate lane in those sections.

March 3, 2023

All the trails except Skidalen and Uff Dah! have been packed and groomed.  Last evening Cindy went out for a short ski and came back saying the conditions were the best ever, and we’ve had a bunch of magical ski moments.  The warming temperatures today will have some effect on the trails.  If glazed I will renovate the skate lanes.  I plan to leave the classic tracks alone for Saturday skiing.  Happy skiing!

Looking up the first downhill in the woods on Liz’s Loop.  Lots of room:)

February 24, 2023

Well, the big storm kind of blew up our trip to the Birkie, but on a happier note it refreshed all the trails.  Gone are all the leaves, twigs, seeds, snow fleas etc. etc.  All the trails except Liz’s Loop, Skidalen, and Ski Bee are groomed with a track and skate lane.  Will work on Liz’s and Ski Bee over the next couple days.  Should be great skiing now and for the weekend.  The road and parking lot are plowed!

The Inner Climb on Uff Dah!

February 16, 2023

We came out of the rain event in good shape!  All trails are groomed for classic and skate except Uff Dah! which is skate only.  Tracks are good with the new snow mixed in providing good kick, and the skate deck is hard underneath with a cushion on top.  Skating will be a bit slow until things warm up a bit.  Should be a very nice weekend of skiing.

Skidalen, the first climb after entering the woods.

February 4, 2023

All trails are open and groomed for both classic and skate.  Refreshed the classic tracks and skate lanes last night and this morning.  There are quite a few leaves on some of the classic sections.  Feel free to jump out of the tracks and ski on the side of the skate lane, and there is always Ski Bee which is completely out in the open.

Chick’s Bopp Coming Down the Hill by the Barn

January 29, 2023

All trails are newly groomed with the exception of Ski Bee which will be groomed today.  Good classic skiing conditions.  Time for toe warmers in the boots, split mitts on the hands, and a little Vaseline on the exposed parts of the face not covered with a buff.  The fire is crackling in the wood stove.

Speedy’s Above the Lake

January 27, 2023

Will be working on the trails throughout the day.  Should be some groomed trails by 3:00 pm.  After clearing for the past two days, Uff Dah is being packed and should be skiable this weekend!

Clearing Uff Dah!  Worse than “hanging chads.”


January 21, 2023

Another beautiful hoar frost morning!  All trails except the first part of Uff Dah! are open and in very nice condition.  The skating lane is very firm and fast so exercise some caution.  Tracks are likewise firm and fast.  Don’t hesitate to step out of the track on the downhills and snowplow a bit in the skate lane.  Have fun!

January 14, 2023

Spent the last two days opening up Liz’s Loop so now all the trails are cleared except part of Uff Dah!  The skate lane has been groomed on all the trails and the classic track refreshed on Emma’s and Chick’s Bopp and newly set on Liz’s Loop.  Should be great skiing this weekend.  Liz’s will be soft until it gets skied in a bit.  Tracks were set last night so they should be pretty firm.

Clearing on Liz’s Loop (Long Downhill Upon Entering Woods)

January 7, 2023

All cleared trails have been groomed with a firm skate deck and classic tracks.  Ski conditions are excellent.

Chick’s Bopp January 6, 2023

January 2, 2023

Happy New Year!  Should be beautiful skiing today.  Enjoy!

December 28, 2022

Got our first trail in the woods open after the ice and snow storm blocked all the wooded trails.  Speedy’s is groomed with track set.  Will be softer conditions until it gets skied in.

The start of Speedy’s in Deer Meadow

December 26, 2022

We got another inch of snow last night and are enjoying a beautiful day without wind.  Due to the ice storm and heavy wet snow we still have limited trails open.  I have opened up the end of Uff Dah! which I call Uff Dah! Lite.  It has a skate lane so intermediate skiers can snow plow the descents.  A classic track is set.  This is the only trail that runs through our evergreen forest.  Enjoy.

Uff Dah! Lite

December 22, 2022

We will be closed due to dangerous wind chills and trail work until Noon on Sunday, December 25th.  Thanks.

December 21

We are open for skiing on limited trails as we work to open up additional trails.  Trails that are open have tracks set.  Thanks for your understanding.


December 17, 2022

We currently have Ski Bee, Deer Meadow, and Emma’s open for skiing.  We are working on the trails in the woods which have significant issues with trees hanging over the trails.  There will be track set on the three trails mentioned.  Thanks for your understanding concerning the ramifications of the ice storm and heavy, wet snowfall.

Speedy’s.  There’s a trail in there somewhere.

November 23, 2022

We currently have a good base started, but with the recent melting we are not able to be open and definitely discourage any skiing when the temperature is above freezing.  Thanks for your understanding.

November 16, 2022

Rolling Emma’s

March 19, 2022

March 12, 2022

All track has been refreshed this morning and skate lanes groomed.  New double track on Chick’s Bopp.  This will remain double tracked for the balance of the ski season.  Light dusting of new snow and the temps are moderating, so it’s time to go skiing!  Please use care in the parking lot!

New Double Track on Chick’s Bopp

March 11, 2022

Skate lanes were groomed yesterday prior to the wind.  Will groom again after the wind dies down.  We still have lots of snow and good skiing.

Speedy’s on the East Ridge Above Viking Road Before the Wind

March 4, 2022

All trails except Uff Dah! have been groomed and the track refreshed.  Had a great skate ski last night.


February 23, 2022

Two blizzards later…

Due to all the drifting from the last storm and a trip to Wisconsin for the Birkie, not all trails will be groomed this weekend.  Speedy’s, Chick’s Bopp, Emma’s, Deer Meadow, and Ski Bee are all groomed with a skate lane and classic track.  Liz’s Loop is groomed classic only.  Just got back from classic skiing with head lamps and the track has set up nicely.  The skate lane will be quite soft and slow with the cold, fine snow, but if you want to skate, the trails always benefit from a little “ski packing.”  

Packing Deer Meadow

February 15, 2022

On jury duty today,  tomorrow and possibly Thursday.  There was a surprising amount of wind today so there is some drifting in the tracks in some exposed areas.  I will hopefully get some grooming done tomorrow.  Track is slightly glazed and with the wind there are leaves in certain areas.  Skate lane is fast with a slight glaze.  A few areas have a bit of drifted snow.  Looks like more wind and cold on the way, but a nice weekend is forecasted.

Grooming Speedy’s with the new Yellowstone “Ginzu” Groomer and Yamaha VK Pro II

February 4, 2022

All trails are in good to excellent shape.  There could be a small amount of drifting in open areas.

January 27, 2022

All trails have been groomed for skate and classic except Uff Dah! which is skate only.  Might be a small amount of drifting in the open areas.  Looks like warmer temps this weekend.

Looking Back Up The Hill From Berit’s Bump on Speedy’s  January 26, 2022

January 22, 2022

Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, Chick’s Bopp, and Speedy’s have all been groomed for skate and classic.  Working on Skidalen, Uff Dah!, and Ski Bee.  Uff Dah! will not have track set.  Classic skiers please ski to the side of the packed area.  Thanks.  A good classic day today!

Liz’s Loop January 22, 2022

January 20, 2022

Trails have not been groomed since last posting due to the extreme wind and cold.  There is drifting in the open areas and plenty of sticks in the woods.  Will start grooming late afternoon.

January 15, 2022

All trails are packed and in good shape after the last 3-4″ snowfall.  Uff Dah! is groomed skate only and all other trails are combination trails with a skate lane and a classic track.  The Minnesota Youth Ski League Otter Tail club will hold its first session Sunday, January 16, at 2:30 PM.

Ski Bee at the Top of the Big Climb

January 9, 2022

Open trails are in good condition with some blowing and drifting in the open areas.  Grooming will be ongoing throughout the day.

January 2, 2021

Happy New Year!  All trails except Uff Dah! have been groomed with a skate lane and classical track.  Should be great skiing while the temps pop up into the positive range!  Picture below, taken today, is of Emma’s in the south woods after making a pass on the skate lane.

December 31, 2021

Working on opening trails one by one.  Skate lane and classic tracks are set on Warm Up, Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp and Speedy’s.  Liz’s Loop next.  Classic skied Speedy’s Friday morning and the track was nice and firm.  Pole plants were a little soft, especially if planted wider.

Chick’s Bopp Coming In Past the Barn December 30, 2021

December 29, 2021

Working through the craziness of the winter storm with dead tractors blocking the road etc. etc.  Trails have not been groomed so bushwhacking is in order if you want to ski.  Should take several days to have trails groomed and then expect them to be quite soft.  But hey, it beautiful in the woods with 14″ of new snow.

New Snow Before the Wind

December 23, 2021

The four inch snowfall we received Tuesday morning has done wonders and the trails are in great shape.  All are open and groomed for both classic and skate,  except Liz’s Loop which has a tree down.

Speedy’s December 22, 2021


December 19, 2021

All the ski trails are in very good shape except Skidalen and Liz’s Loop which have not been cleared of trees and branches.  Tracks are set on Speedy’s, Chick’s Bopp, Emma’s, and Deer Meadow.  No tracks will be set on Ski Bee until after the high school ski race on Tuesday.

Speedy’s After a Quick Pass Over the Skate Lane Saturday Afternoon

December 18, 2021

Received about an two inches of snow right after the rain event (1+ inches of rain) and then an additional two inches December 17th.  Grooming will be limited today, but trails should be in good shape for Sunday.

December 11, 2021

Packing Uff Dah! after the six inch snowfall.

February 26, 2021

Reset all the classic track today when the snow was softer.  Will groom the skate lanes this evening once it cools down.  Should be nice skiing this weekend!  Photo below was taken on Speedy’s today after resetting track.

February 24

Got 3/4″ of new snow last night to soften things up.  Groomed the skate lanes but not the tracks.  Snowmobile was acting up when at low rpm’s which you need to be at when setting track.  Snow in the existing tracks should ski in just fine, but may be a bit sticky, especially in the sun.

Uff Dah February 24, 2021

February 19, 2021

The cold snap has cracked!  Trails are generally in excellent shape with just a few spots with shallow track.  Hard, but not icy for the skate skiers.

Setting Track on Liz’s Loop 2-19-21

February 11, 2021

Due to the frigid weather, we will be closed to day skiers Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, opening again on Monday.  Season Pass skiers may ski, but with a buddy, please.  Sorry for any inconvenience.   Skate lanes and track groomed Friday afternoon.

Speedys 2/12/2021

February 6, 2012

Had a great week of skiing capped off by the Fergus Falls High School Nordic Invitational Ski Race on Thursday.  We just sneaked it in before the polar vortex arrived!  Due to the cold weather, we will not be open to day pass skiers Sunday and Monday.  Season pass skiers may ski, but with a buddy please.  We classic skied in the south woods today which wasn’t bad except the return was brutal.  Stay safe inside and out!

January 30, 2021

Very nice skiing conditions on all trails.  No track set on Uff Dah!  If skiing classical on Uff Dah!, please ski to either side of the trail.  Thanks.

Emma’s January 30, 2021

January 24, 2021

Got a beautiful snowfall yesterday.  All packed and everything is groomed except Uff Dah! and Ski Bee.  Will hit those after a coffee break.  Skate skiing will be a little soft until the trails get skied in.  Enjoy!

Liz’s Loop Looking Back After the First Climb

January 22, 2021

Both skate lanes and tracks are very nice in the woods.  In the open areas there are some icy patches.  Please use caution.

Uff Dah!  January 22, 2021

January 16, 2021

Trails are in nice condition with new tracks set this morning in the woods.  In the open there are icy patches.  Please use caution.  Parking lot is icy.  Use extra care.  NO SKIING IN THE PARKING LOT, PLEASE!

January 16, 2021

January 15, 2021

Winter storm was a dud in our area with less than an inch of snow.  Grooming trails this afternoon, but skiing not recommended until tomorrow.  Thanks for being patient.

January 9, 2021

Not enough snow to reset classic tracks.  Tracks are firm and generally in good shape with a few icy spots.  Skate lanes are mostly very good with a few icy spots.  The big hill on Uff Dah! is blocked off.  Please go left on Speedy’s.  The last portion of Speedy’s is closed.  Please follow Chick’s Bopp to Trail Head.

Fergus Falls High School Skiers Arriving for Ski Practice

January 8, 2021

See below:)

January 6, 2021

Trails are in good shape for skate skiing with a nice firm deck.  Good tracks remain, but will be quite hard due to the freeze/thaw conditions.  Best to wait for conditions to warm and soften if classic skiing.

January 3, 2021

All trails were groomed last night and are in beautiful shape.  Classic tracks and skate lane on  all trails except skate only on Uff Dah!  If skiing Uff Dah! with classic skis, please stay to either side of the trail.  Enjoy!

Uff Dah!  January 3, 2021

December 31, 2020

Groomed all the trails yesterday for skate and classic except Uff Dah! which is skate only.  Thanks skiers yesterday who put up with soft skating conditions and “ski packed” the trails so they will be harder today.  Should be beautiful skiing today!

Downhill at the start of Ski Bee.  (I was lazy and didn’t lift the track setter for the curve.)

December 30, 2020

Got approximately five inches of new snow.  As of 11:30 am there are tracks set on Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp, and Liz’s Loop.  Somewhat wind blown in open areas.  Parking lot still not plowed out.  Call 218-736-5097 for updates.  Grooming will continue throughout the day.  Conditions will be very soft for skate skiing.

Chick’s Bopp December 30, 2020

December 28, 2020

Got an additional three inches of snow which has been packed.  Will be groomed for skate skiing and classical skiing without a track.  Classic skiers please ski to either side of trail leaving center for the skate skiers.

December 24, 2020

Due to the extreme winds, the ski trails are not in shape for opening.  Season pass holders from this year and last may try the trails out at no charge, but should be using “C” skis.  Call if you have any questions.

Skiing in October (It all melted.)

March 13, 2020

Due to difficult, icy conditions, we will be closed this weekend (Friday-Monday.)  Thank you for your understanding.

March 9, 2020

Trails currently closed due to icy conditions.

March 6, 2020

Got about an inch of new snow which started out wet, but dried out during the day.  Set down one pass of corduroy on the skate lanes of all trails.  Tracks were all reset Friday morning.  Cindy skied Friday afternoon and pronounced it “fabulous.”

March 1, 2020

Skate lane groomed on all trails and track reset on Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp, Liz’s Loop, and Ski Bee.  We recommend waiting to ski until after noon so the snow can soften up in the exposed areas.

February 26, 2020

No new snow other than a few flakes today so all classic track remains glazed if it has southern and western exposure.  Skate lanes remain hard, but skiable, with some areas quite icy and other areas very good.  Hit Speedy’s, Emma’s and Ski Bee with the groomer yesterday.  Use caution and control your speed on the downhills.

February 17, 2020

Groomed in the 1/2” of snow we got last night on the skate lanes and practice areas.  The snow softened things up a bit, but it is still quite hard underneath.  The best skiing is in the woods.  Please use caution in the parking lot.

February 15, 2020

Snowmobile out of the shop and skate lanes groomed last night and tracks set this morning.  Conditions are still very hard in some open areas such as the trail head and entering and leaving the woods on Emma’s, but generally it is very nice skiing in the woods.

Speedy’s Near Mugg’s Sugar Bush  February 15, 2020

February 14, 2020

Happy Valentines Day!  I’m not so happy because both of my snowmobiles are currently in the shop and conditions are very hard.  I hope to have a borrowed snowmobile to use tonight to try and soften things up a bit.

February 9, 2020

All trails now have track set and the skate lane groomed after the two light snowfalls.  There is not much “give” to the snow base after the warmup last Sunday, but the new snow has improved the skiing significantly.  Please use caution and ski only on trails suitable to your ability level.  Please use caution in the parking lot as well.

 Speedy’s February 9, 2020

February 6, 2020

Trails are still very hard and fast, especially in open areas.  Hoping to get some snow today to mix in with the tilled snow.  Skiing is not recommended for beginner and intermediate skiers.  Please use caution on the trails and in the parking lot.

February 4, 2020

Reset track on Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp and Deer Meadow.  Groomed skate deck on Speedy’s and the above.  Conditions HARD and FAST.  Use caution and do not ski alone.

February 3, 2020

*UPDATE*  Trails are hard and icy.  Would be skiers are welcome to walk the trails today only.

Renovating the icy trails this morning after the weekend warmup.  Please check website before coming out to ski.

January 24, 2020

All trails are newly groomed with track set.  Skate deck might be a little soft in a few areas, but overall conditions are excellent.

January 20, 2020

Speedy’s, Chick’s Bopp, and Emma’s are groomed for skate and classic skiing. The sticks are gone!  Working on the other trails…

January 19, 2020

Drift busting this morning.  Should have some trails groomed by 1:00. Road and parking lot unplowed.

January 18, 2020

Will be grooming throughout the day after a bushwhacking ski this morning.  Our road and lot have not been plowed.  Stay warm and safe.

January 14, 2020

Got a nice 1.5″ snowfall last night.  Skate lanes are groomed with tracks set on Emma’s and Chick’s Bopp.  Stopped with that since more snow is expected.  The snow covered a multitude of twigs etc. that we won’t see again until spring.

Trailhead Area.  This is a great little hill on which beginners can practice snowplowing.

January 12, 2020

Renovated all the skate lanes last night.  Some areas have considerable debris on the skate lanes and leaves in the tracks.  Jump out of the tracks if necessary and ski next to them.  Everything is very firm, but not icy.  Use caution and consider snowshoeing if you are a first timer.

January 9, 2020

Reset track today but there are still some leaves in the tracks in various places.  The skate lanes are hard and fast, but not icy.  We have snowshoes to rent if you are uncomfortable with fast and firm conditions.

January 4,2020

All trails except Uff Dah! have been groomed with new track set.  Should be some exceptional skiing!  Come ski us,

January 2, 2020

Groomed all skate lanes after yesterday’s traffic.  Classic tracks were left and should be in good  shape.  Nice skiing today!

December 31, 2019

Grooming the skate lanes this morning.  Had a dynamite classic ski with headlamps last night.

December 30, 2019

Five trails currently groomed for skate and classic.  Skate lane has a little snow on it and will be soft.  Some drifting in the open areas.  Stunningly beautiful in the deep woods.

December 29, 2019

Got yesterday’s snow all packed last night, but woke to 6+ inches of very wet stuff, probably even too deep and wet to roll.  Trails will be closed today.

December 26, 2019

We received close to three inches of snow overnight and all trails have been groomed.  Tracks set on all except Uff Dah! and Skidalen.  A little softer and slower than the past two weeks, but still great skiing.

December 23, 2019

All skate lanes were renovated last night after the warm up and should be very fun to ski.  We don’t have enough snow to reset the classic tracks at this time so there will be some glazed areas where they got direct sun.  Classic skiers can ski next to the track in those areas.  If you rent skis and find conditions too fast, you can switch out for snowshoes at no extra charge.  Please do not walk the trails.  If you wish to walk down a hill, please walk to the side of the trail.  Thanks.

December 21, 2019

The trails have been groomed and cones picked up after the high school race on Thursday.  New tracks set on all the trails except Uff Dah! and Skidalen.  Starting to get a little “leafy” in the woods.  Conditions good to excellent.  Should be a beautiful day!

December 15, 2019

All trails are open with tracks set on all trails except Skidalen, Ski Bee and Uff Dah! which are groomed for skate only.  Excellent conditions.

December 10, 2019

The 3-4” snowfall has transformed the trails into midwinter condition.  All trails have both a skate lane and classical track.  Open Friday-Monday 10 AM until dusk.


December 6, 2019

We’ve been grooming the approximately eight inches of snow from the storm and have great coverage except for a couple areas.  We will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but not Monday.  Come ski us!

March 20, 2019

Due to the warm temperatures and soft road and trail conditions, we will be closed this coming weekend, March 22-March 25.  If conditions allow, we might open for a last hurrah the following weekend.  May I suggest morning crust skiing on the lakes in Maplewood State Park as an alternative.

March 17, 2019

Skate lane was renovated yesterday evening.  Classic track remains in good shape.  Skiing will be fast in the morning and will slow down as the sun warms the snow.  Yesterday skiers reported that they could get kick in the track which was cut down into the older, less transformed snow.  Please use caution in the parking lot as it is very icy.

Start Area After Renovation Yesterday Evening

March 16, 2019

All open trails are groomed for classic and skate skiing.  Skate skied last night and conditions were fast and fun.  We are now in the “Spring Skiing” time of the year when the track and skate lane will be hard and fast in the morning and gradually soften up during the day.  Please use extreme caution in the icy parking lot where there are frozen floes of meltwater.

End of the Speedy’s Trail

March 15, 2019

Just groomed all open trails for skate and Emma’s and Chick’s Bopp for both skate and classic.  Will set track later on Speedy’s as well.  The trails softened up nicely and skiing should be good.  The parking lot, however, is extremely icy and great caution should be used.   Also, don’t park on the hill as your car may slide down into another vehicle.

Emma’s  March 15

March 13, 2019

Ski trails are a little too soft for skiing right now and are temporarily closed.  Check back in after this current storm passes.  Thanks.

March 11, 2019

Open trails were packed and rolled the past two days and had final grooming done this morning.  Beautiful day!

Emma’s March 11, 2019

March 6, 2019

Beautiful skiing with Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, Chick’s Bopp, and Speedy’s groomed for skate and classic.  New track set this morning.

Setting Track on Speedy’s (Deer Meadow to Right)

Chick’s Bopp With New Track Set

March 1, 2019

Three to four inches of new snow.  Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, Ski Bee, Deer Meadow, and Chick’s Bopp have all been groomed with a skate lane and a classic track.  Skate lane will be a little soft but will set up tonight.  Waiting until snow stops to do final grooming on Speedy’s.  Should be nice skiing.  Maybe a classic day this weekend with the colder temps.

Liz’s Loop March 1, 2019 After Grooming (Cut the Head Knocker Tree)

February 28, 2019

New track set on Speedy’s, Emma’s, and Chick’s Bopp.  New skate lane on Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp, and Deer Meadow.  1/2 inch of snow on Speedy’s skate lane.  Nice skiing and warmer temps today.

February 26, 2019

Emma’s, Deer Meadow, and Chick’s Bopp have all been leveled and groomed for both skate and classic after the big wind event.  The remaining trails will be brought on line before the weekend.

GyroGroomer Wiping Out Leaf Filled Track (Note collected leaves to the right.)

February 23, 2019

Trails have been groomed for skate and classic except Skidalen which is skate only.  Beautiful day before the blizzard conditions tomorrow!


Chick’s Bopp Adjacent to Deer Meadow on the Right

February 17, 2019

All the trails except Uff Dah! have been groomed for both skate and classic and are in excellent condition.  Enjoy!

Skidalen February 17, 2019

February 8, 2019

Will be drift busting most of the day after the excessive winds in this last storm.  Some trails should be leveled by mid afternoon with perhaps some track set.

Looking Out at the Trailhead Area on a Clear, Cold Day

February 3, 2019

Time to create that calorie deficit before the Super Bowl party.  Beautiful skiing in the woods.  A bit of wind in the open areas.  Uff Dah! is groomed single track classic and all the rest of the trails are groomed classic/skate.  Come ski us!

Single Track on Uff Dah!


February 1, 2019

Twenty-two days until the Birkie.  Time to get some serious skiing in!  Once again managing a LOT of wind and the subsequent drifting in the open areas. Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, Chick’s Bopp, and Speedy’s all have skate lanes and new track set as of midnight last night.  Will be bringing the other trails online during the day.  Should be a nice weekend!

Heading Into the Woods on Emma’s (Note Drifts in Front of Snowmobile)

January 29, 2019

The five to six inches of snow has been packed and we got out for a ski last night.  Very slow!  Right now we are just letting the wind blow and the temperature drop.  When the temperature  moderates I will knock down the drifts and groom again.  If tracks had been set they would be full of either snow or leaves so good to wait.  Should be a lovely weekend.

January 26, 2019

Finally got the trails in good shape after the wind event.  All trails groomed for skate skiing with a light dusting of new snow.  Skate skiing will be slow with the cold, new snow.  New classic tracks on Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, Chick’s Bopp, and Speedy’s.

Knocking Down Drifts with “GyroGroomer”

Lake Loop on Speedy’s

New Track on Speedy’s

January 23, 2019

Received about five inches total from the last two snowfalls.  All trails have been rolled and will have skate lanes and track set today.

Rolling the “S Turn” on Skidalen January 22, 2019

January 20, 2019

Conditions remain essentially unchanged from the post below.

Cold and Clear Sunday Morning

January 17, 2019

Still no new snow, but the trails are holding up well.  With the extreme cold, the trails have gotten very firm.  Tracks are solid and with the coating of hoar frost were very skiable.  Skied Speedy’s yesterday afternoon and had good kick.  The skate lanes are fast, but you are still able to get an edge and can be used for snow plowing to control speeds on the downhills.  These are not conditions conducive to introducing a beginner to skiing.

Bruce and Karen Manske from CXC holding a classic clinic with the Fergus Falls Ski Team

The Warm Up Loop and Start Area for the CLC Championships


January 13, 2019

The trails are all in good to excellent conditions.  All skate lanes were renovated last night and new track was set on Ski Bee, Liz’s Loop, and Skidalen.  There are a several sections in the woods that are quite “leafy”.  Classic skier may step out of the track and use the skate lane in those areas.  Classic skiers can also use the skate lanes for snow plowing on longer downhills if necessary.  Hope to see you at the “Ski Gaard.”

January 12, 2019

Two days of pretty much non stop grooming have brought the trails into good to excellent shape with a layer of softer snow over a very firm base.  There is new track on all the trails except Skidalen.  The parking lot and road have been sanded, but there are spots in the parking lot that remain very icy.  Use caution.

Chick’s Bopp January 11, 2019

Ron R. Skating on Emma’s January 11, 2019

January 6, 2019

The warm weather has had little impact on the trails thanks to a good base.  Tracks may be a little glazed in a few spots but the skate lanes have been renovated and classic skiers can step into the skate lane if necessary.  We welcome the first session of the Minnesota Youth Ski League this afternoon at 2:00 pm.  There is plenty of room on the trails, but parking might be a little tight.

January 5, 2019 at the top of “Cindy’s Big Climb” on Skidalen

January 3, 2019

Happy New Year!  All trails except Uff Dah! are groomed.  Skidalen is groomed skate only.  All other trails are groomed combination skate/classic.  Beautiful conditions.

Chick’s Bopp  January 3, 2019

December 29, 2018

We’re open!  Lots of snow followed by major wind made grooming a bit challenging, but the trails are coming around.  Still working on Uff Dah, Skidalen and Ski Bee, but the other trails will have tracks and a skate lane groomed by 10:00 am.  Hope to see you..

Chick’s Bopp in the Eastern Woods

December 28, 2018

We will officially open tomorrow, December 29, at 10:00 am as today will be spent dealing with significant drifting due to the strong winds.  Thanks for your understanding.

December 27, 2018

Have received about 10 inches of snow so far and trails are just being packed.  There will be no tracks set today and we will have to see what the wind does regarding Friday.  Will post updates.  Back out for more packing.

December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!  The two pictures below reflect our current conditions except that we’ve gotten an additional 1/2 inch since they were taken.  We have been skiing on Deer Meadow, the lighted loop.  One lap is 0.87 km.  If we get another inch or so of snow, that loop will be open to the public.  Hopefully we will get a significant amount of snow with the coming storm and be able to open more trails.

The Trailhead Looking to the Southeast

Deer Meadow Looking East (Almost looks like we make snow.)

April 8, 2018

Groomed Emma’s, Liz’s Loop and first part of Skidalen.  Set new track on Emma’s and Liz’s Loop.  Conditions are good to very good on 90% of the trail and mixed where there is significant sun exposure.  Use the beginning of Emma’s to begin and end all three trails.  Skidalen and Liz’s Loop each have a bare spot on south facing hills.  Remove skis or side step carefully over the bare spot.  Ski only on groomed trails.

Liz’s Loop April 8, 2018

April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!  We are open for skiing with skate lane and tracks set on Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, and Skidalen (first half.)  Conditions have firmed up considerably so should be nice skiing.  There are a couple grassy spots in the tracks so look ahead and be ready to step out (this would only be on south facing track.)

Emma’s 11:30 am April 1, 2018

March 31, 2018

Just got in from grooming Emma’s, Liz’s Loop and the first half of Skidalen, all starting off of Emma’s.  Track is set on all three.  Some drifting on the way up to the south woods.  Skate lane will be soft, but hey, it’s March 31!  Plow just came in (12:20.)

March 24, 2018

Chance for a little skiing before you put them away for the summer.  Groomed Emma’s and Deer Meadow after the 2+ inch snowfall last night.  Will be sticky during the afternoon but might be nice this evening or tomorrow morning.  Classic skiers please ski to either side of the skate lanes.  No tracks set.

Emma’s After Rolling and Setting Comb

Maple Syrup Cooker Ready for Sap

March 11, 2018

The snow dried out last night and remains surprisingly soft.  New comb on the skate lanes.  A dusting of corn snow in the classic track.  Classic skiers may ski on either side of the skate lanes if the tracks are too slippery.  There are a couple icy spots and bare spots on the classic track.  Use caution in exposed areas.   Overall,  should be nice skiing today, especially for the skating technique.

New Comb on Chick’s Bopp

March 10, 2018

A tale of two exposures…  In those protected areas where the snow stayed on the trails and there is not too much sun the conditions are great, especially on the skate lanes.  There is some iciness where the exposure to the wind or sun was greatest.  Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp, Speedy’s and Deer Meadow are all open and can be safely skied when using caution in those exposed areas.  Snowshoes are also an option if you want to enjoy the beautiful spring woods at a slower pace.  $7.50 to rent snowshoes and poles.

North Facing Downhill on Chick’s Bopp

Trail Crossing Small Slough on Chick’s Bopp

March 9, 2018

Conditions remain unchanged from previous post.  Added an additional track on the left side of Emma’s where the snow was better.  Use caution on downhills (step out of the tracks) snowplowing where necessary.

March 6, 2018

After skiing the trails…   There are a few icy sections on the trails where they have significant exposure to the March sun or the snow that we received blew off the trails.  Please use caution in these areas.  Also, the track extends down into the old snow so there are also areas of track that are icy.  Skiers may ski outside of the track in the skate lane, but please do not ski down the middle with classic skis.

March 6, 2018

The big snow missed us but we got 2+ inches of dense snow that groomed up really well.  Tracks and skate lane groomed on Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp, Speedy’s and Deer Meadow.  Ski Bee groomed for skate only.  Good spring skiing conditions.

Emma’s 3/06/2018

March 4, 2018

Got a big melt yesterday, but still lots of snow on the trails.  Snow firmed up overnight, but did not get icy.  Renovating the skate lanes.  Classic skiers may step out of the tracks and use the sides of the skate lanes if preferred.

New Comb on Emma’s

March 2, 2018

Still plenty of snow on the ski trails!  Skate lanes renovated this morning.  Classic tracks left as is.  There will be some glazing in areas of full sun exposure.  Classic skiers are welcome to ski on either side of the center of the skate lane if the tracks are too icy.  Classic skiers should step out of tracks before hills to allow snowplowing to control speed on descents.

February 27, 2018

Lots of new snow!  Open trails are now groomed for skate and classic.  Great new classic track.  Skate lanes will be a little soft for awhile, but very nice, comfortable skiing.

Climbing on Chick’s Bopp

February 21, 2018

Got 5+ inches in the last snow event and all trails have been groomed for skate and classic.  Should be great skiing for the weekend.  I’m heading over for the Birkie, so if we get snow Thursday night, probably just the skate lanes will be touched up leaving the classic tracks to be skied in.


February 17, 2018

Dusting of new snow last night.  All skate lanes were renovated on Friday and are in good condition with a few icy spots in exposed areas.  Classic tracks are mixed with some areas icy and other areas okay.  Classic skiers may find it better to ski out of the track to the side of the skate lanes.

Start Area Saturday Morning

February 15, 2018

Skied last night after the 48 degree day and found the skate lanes to be in generally good condition with some icy areas.  The classic track is mixed with some areas untouched by the heat and sun and other areas glazed.  Not enough snow to do anything about the track at this time, but planning to renovate the skate lane this afternoon.

February 10, 2018

Reset track on Emma’s, Liz’s Loop and Chick’s Bopp.  All trails in good to excellent condition.

February 5, 2018

Rolled and groomed the 3+ inches of snow and all trails are in great condition with a classical track and skate lane.

New Track and Skate Lane on Emma’s

Grooming Skidalen Just Before the “Gravity Box”

February 1, 2018

Received about an inch of snow which was enough to refresh the skate lanes and tracks on all the trails.  Tracks are good with a mixture of new and old snow providing kick without being too slow.  The skate lanes are still firm, but are skiing slow with the cold new snow.  Should only get better as they get skied on and as it warms up.

The Return Track from Emma’s in the South Woods

Speedy’s on February 1, 2018

January 29, 2018

In spite of warm temps this past weekend, the snow remains good.  The picture below is one I took while skiing Speedy’s this afternoon.  Good fast skiing conditions, but still not icy.  All skate lanes have been groomed since the picture was taken.  Looking for an inch or two before refreshing the classic track.

January 26, 2018

Despite the warm weather, the snow continues to hold up well.  All skate lanes have been textured and are skiing fast and fun with a solid base.  Skied Chick’s Bopp last night and for the most part the track is good.  There is one area in the open with some glazing in the track, but you can easily double pole through that area.  As everything is fast, please use caution, snowplowing in the skate lane from the top of the hills if necessary.

Speedy’s on the ridge east of Viking Road.

January 20, 2018

The recent warm weather has caused some snow loss, but the trails are overall in very good condition.  Skate lane is firm and fast and the classic track is 95% good with some areas where you may need to step out to avoid grass or dirt.  Some leaves in the classic track in a few areas.  Neither are icy.  Picture from a couple of days ago.

Uff Dah! Lite Heading into the Evergreens (This is the end part of the longer expert trail, Uff Dah!)

January 15, 2018

Received approximately three inches of snow from yesterday’s Clipper.  All trails have been rolled and will be groomed today.  Some exposed areas were scoured by the strong winds, but should be great skiing when the temperatures moderate.

MYSL Kids Playing Keep Away in the New Snow

January 12, 2018

Received an inch of snow in the woods which was enough to freshen up the trails nicely.  All trails open and in good condition with combination skate/classic except for Chick’s Bopp which is classic only.  Very firm base, but not icy.

Viking Road on Chick’s Bopp

Grooming the Lake Loop on Speedy’s

January 6, 2018

All trails are open.  Chick’s Bopp has a double classical track set and the balance have a classic track and skate lane.  Trails are generally in good condition with  a few spots where the track setter has bottomed out and you need to step out of the track.  Skate lanes are firm and in good condition.

Girls Varsity Race on Ski Bee (2 Loops Plus Emma’s) on January 2, 2018.

December 28, 2017

Got an inch overnight of nice fine snow and are now able to set some track!  Good firm base in the skate lanes.  Come ski us!

December 22, 2017

Groomed out the four inches of snow that we received and it has set up nicely.  Due to the lack of sufficient base, we are not yet able to set classical track.  I am planning to ski in some track today.

Emma’s Heading up to the South Woods

Rolling Liz’s Loop

Time to Get Out the Chain Saw! (Liz’s Loop)

December 21, 2017

It’s nice to celebrate the Winter Solstice with a snowfall!  Grooming trails today after rolling last night.  There was not a significant base so some trails may remain closed and amount of track set will vary.  We will be open tomorrow, December 22 and then daily through the New Year except for the following:  4:00 PM closing on Christmas Eve and we will be closed on Christmas Day.

December 5, 2017

Received (a disappointing) 1″ of snow from last night’s storm.  Will do a little rolling on the lighted loop below to try to get a base started.  Hopefully the next storm will have more snow and less wind!

Lighted Loop

Warm Up Loop and Returns of Emma’s, Ski Bee, and Liz’s Loop


Conditions are not safe for skiing so we will be closed until further notice.  Some sections are nice, but there are other sections that have solid ice beneath the snow (this is what happens when you get 1.5″ of rain on hard packed ski trails) and it is impossible to tell where the ice begins and ends.  The new snow has not adhered to the ice below.  SWEDISH MEATBALL FUNDRAISER!!  SEE BELOW!  THANKS!

February 26, 20017

Rolled Speedy’s, Emma’s, and Deer Meadow after last nights snowfall.  Actually had to stop rolling Speedy’s (see picture below) and just packed with snowmobile to try to get snow to glue down to icy sections underneath.  Will continue to groom this morning.  Best to wait until after noon to see how things set up and if it is safe to ski.  SWEDISH MEATBALL FUNDRAISER FOR THE OTTER TAIL NORDIC SKI TEAM TODAY!!  5:00-7:00 at Hope Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls.  Help support the non-funded ski team!

Trail Head Sunday Morning 2/26/17 After Rolling

The Path Left After Sliding Backwards On the Ice While Rolling Speedy’s


February 21, 2017

The picture below sums up things quite well.  If we get sufficient snow, we will reopen several trails.  A big thank you to Season Pass holders who help ensure that there will be skiing at the Ski Gaard next season.


Deer Meadow at West End By the Barn

February 17, 2017

Skied three different times yesterday, about 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00.  4:00 wet and slow, 5:00 cooling off, slow in places but nice in others, 6:00 fast and fun.  Snow is going fast.  We remain open to season pass skiers.  Any skiing in the morning could be extremely icy.  Some bare spots are showing up on south facing slopes.  Use caution and do not ski alone except maybe on Deer Meadow.  We will be closed today through Monday to non-season pass skiers.  Time to do some tapping??

February 15, 2017

Spring skiing conditions.  Deer Meadow, Chick’s Bopp, Speedy’s and Uff Dah! are all groomed and in nice shape for skating.  Classic tracks remain icy.  Classic skiers could ski out of the tracks on the skate lane.  Some limited icy patches including the little slough on Chick’s Bopp.

First Pass Grooming Deer Meadow 2/15/17

Viking Road on Chick’s Bopp 2/15/17

February 12, 2017

Due to Saturday’s warm weather and rain, followed by below freezing temperature at night, trail conditions are too hard and icy to be open for skiing.  If it warms up sufficiently, it is possible that there could be some good skiing in the late afternoon, but call 218-770-0163 first.

February 9, 2017

Trails are in good to excellent condition except for a couple windblown areas on Emma’s.  Tracks are set on all open trails except Skidalen.  Ski Bee remains closed and Liz’s Loop is accessed from Emma’s.

Chick’s Bopp

February 7, 2017

Finally received a nice 2.5″ snowfall last night and this morning.  Trails are packed and tracks will be set Wednesday afternoon and skiing should be fine when it warms up on Thursday.

Speedy’s After Packing 2+ Inch Snowfall

February 5, 2017

Received a dusting of new snow yesterday which will slow things down a bit, but conditions have not changed much from yesterday’s post.

Trail Head Area

Parking Lot  Use Caution due to the ice.

February 4, 2017

No new snow from last post so skate lanes a little icier but still very skiable.  Icy patches at trailhead area.  Classic skiers are able to get kick in the tracks, but it is icy in areas outside of track when herringboning.  No give if you fall, so use caution and ski on trails you can handle.  Ski Bee, Liz’s Loop, and Skidalen are closed until we get more snow.  Use caution in the parking area!

January 31, 2017

We received approximately 1/2″ of snow over the last day and a half and while it is not what we hoped for it does change the skiing dramatically.  Cindy skied this morning and pronounced it “slow,” which is a big change from the past several days.  The skate lanes on all trails were groomed either last night or this morning and the classic tracks were left untouched.  Once the new snow gets skied in, the classic tracks should ski well.  The new snow was enough to slow things down, but is not enough to provide much cushion should one fall.  Use caution in the parking area!


Grooming Deer Meadow Wednesday Morning

January 28th

Photo below is of a section of Speedy’s after grooming Friday afternoon.  Conditions remain hard and fast, but you are able to get an edge skating and can snowplow to control speeds on descents.  Got a dusting of snow which slowed down the classic tracks and should provide for some kick without going the blue klister route.  Classic skiers can step out of the track and snowplow to control speed where necessary.  Justin Eberhardt skied 40+ K Friday afternoon and commented on how much fun it was.  Parking lot was sanded, but please use caution!

Speedy’s  January 27

January 26, 2017

Still good coverage in wooded areas but skiing yesterday evening was “scary fast.”  Classic track was set Sunday evening with wet, soft snow and is rock solid and unchanged.  Blue klister worked well yesterday and a couple skiing on Emma’s said that they had pretty good kick with skin skis.  Still able to get good push off skate skiing. Some trails with exposed areas are closed due to the snow melting down to an icy base.  Fat bikers who are willing to pay a trail fee are welcome to ride the trails until we get more snow.  USE CAUTION IN THE ICY PARKING LOT!!

Section of Speedy’s January 25

January 22, 2017

Conditions will be soft and slow generally, but there could be some faster patches.  Yesterday’s skiers from the North Star Ski Club preferred classic over skate skiing with a no-wax ski the best.  No new tracks set.  Depending upon the firmness of the snow, I may be running over the skate lanes.  USE CAUTION IN THE PARKING LOT!  VERY SLIPPERY!

Trail Head Area (January 21, 2017)


January 21, 2017

Trail conditions are very soft with wet snow, best with no wax classic skis.  Use great care in the parking lot as it is very icy.

January 20, 2017

After enjoying some of the best skiing of the year midweek, we unfortunately need to close the trails today due to soft conditions.  Please check in for the Saturday Trail Report.  Thank you for your understanding.

Rolling the Lake Loop on Speedy’s Early Wednesday Afternoon

January 14, 2017

Beautiful conditions for skiing.  Will be a little slow for skate skiing until things warm up a bit.  All trails groomed for both classic and skate skiing.  See you at the Ski Gaard!

Deer Meadow by the Red Barn

January 11, 2017

Received about four inches of snow Tuesday and Tuesday night.  All the trails except Skidalen are groomed combination skate and classic.  Should get to Skidalen on Thursday.  Skiing is very good to excellent.


Setting Track on Uff Dah!

Starting down John’s Telemarking Hill on Uff Dah!

January 6, 2017

After approximately ten total inches of snow the trails are all in great shape.  Skidalen is groomed skate only with all other trails groomed combination skate and classical.

New Tracks Set on Uff Dah! January 6, 2017

January 2, 2017

Happy New Year!  Received a surprise 8″ of snow last night when expecting 1-3″.  Having to snowmobile pack before  using grooming equipment so trails will not be groomed until late in the day.

December 28/29, 2016

Warmer temperatures softened things up a bit but the mid afternoon squall that gave us about an inch of nice wet snow really helped.  There are still some icy areas in the open and the parking lot is still slippery, but the trails have improved dramatically since the rain, and are in good to excellent condition in the woods.  A big thanks to Jason Rund for comandeering the Bearcat and the “Gyrogroomer” to knock down the drifts on the return through the trees of the beginner’s trail Emma’s.  This will eliminate having to navigate the slick side hill for the classical skiers.  All trails are groomed for skate skiing, and all trails except Skidalen and Ski Bee have tracks newly set tonight.

Grooming Lighted Loop December 28th After Snowfall

Skidalen Groomed December 28th Skate Only

December 27, 2016

Received 3/4″ of new snow overnight and have groomed it over the hard snowpack so conditions have improved significantly from yesterday.  Trail head and parts of trails will still be very hard beneath the newly packed snow.  I would still recommend that beginners use snowshoes rather than skiing.

Liz’s Loop Groomed Today

Trail Head

December 26, 2016

The aftermath of the crazy storm is that the Trail Head area is hard and icy (as well as the parking lot), but the trails are surprisingly decent.  Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp, Deer Meadow, and Speedy’s will have a skate lane and classic tracks.  Chick’s Bopp takes a detour around the slough in the picture.  Other trails will open as the sticks are cleared.  ATTENTION:  These conditions are not for beginners.  We have snowshoes and poles to rent as a nice option that still lets you get out into the woods.  All skiers should use caution in icy areas and remove skis and walk if necessary.

Anyone Want to Play “Pic Up Sticks”? (Viking Road on Chick’s Bopp)

“Should have tested it first.”

First Climb on Speedy’s After Picking up Sticks (Not Groomed in Photo)

December 23, 2016 PM

The mild temperatures have only had minimal negative effect on the trails.  Classic track remains good with only a few bare spots.  All skate lanes have been groomed this evening so should be smooth and fast tomorrow, December 24.  All trails have track set except Skidalen and Ski Bee.  Classical track was not reset today (“Groomer, do no harm.”)


TR Skiing Speedy’s December 23, 2016 AM

December 18, 2016

Brrr!  Spent all of Saturday grooming and the trails are in good to excellent shape with tracks set on Emma’s, Deer Meadow, Liz’s Loop, Chick’s Bopp, and Speedy’s.  Skidalen, Ski Bee, and Uff Dah! are groomed skate only until we get more snow.  Classic skiers skiing these trails should ski to either side.  We will be open daily from December 23 to January 2.  Come ski us!


Tracks set at start of Emma’s


Packing on Speedy’s coming down the hill just before it crosses Chick’s Bopp.

December 11, 2016

Open for skiing!  Received 2-3″ of new snow overnight and currently have tracks and skate lane on Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, Chick’s Bopp and Speedy’s.  Nice skiing.  Skate lane will be a little soft.

December 9, 2016

Received 6-8″ of snow in the woods and 1-48″ out in the open.  Should be able to set some track in the woods.  Everywhere else it will be packed only.  Classical skiers should ski to either side of the trail if no track is set.  We will be opening on Sunday, December 11th at 10 am.  We will not be open on December 10th due to Cindy’s father’s funeral.  Season pass skiers from last year may ski, but the shop will be closed.  Hope to see you soon!


November 23, 2016

The rain and warm temperatures have had their way with the trails.  Hopefully we can hold on to this base.  Our optimistic opening on Thanksgiving Day is postponed until further notice.

Viking Road (The start of Chick’s Bopp and Speedy’s)


November 20, 2016

This is the beginners trail Emma’s after grooming yesterday.  Conditions out of the woods in areas exposed to the high winds are mixed with grass showing.  We are planning to officially open on Thanksgiving Day, November 24.  Unless we get a significant snowfall there will be no tracks set.  Hope to see you soon!


February 20, 2016

I think the “picture is worth a thousand words” adage works today.


Deer Meadow

IMG_2062Trail Head

February 16, 2016

Received about 4″ of snow yesterday and trails are in good to excellent condition.  Skate lane was soft yesterday, but should have set up overnight and be much firmer today.  Track will be set on Skidalen, Uff Da! and Ski Bee today.  All other trails are groomed with track and skate lane.  Come ski us!




Minnesota Youth Ski League gathering for a fun session in lots of new snow.

 February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Out grooming the approximately 3″ of new snow.  Tracks will be set by noon on Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, Chick’s Bopp, and Speedy’s by noon.  Skate lanes to follow and then balance of trails.  Parking lot not plowed.

February 9, 2016

Whew!  The wind has finally settled down.  The end results of the storm are as follows.  Open areas benefitted from the wet, heavy snow that fell during the first part of the storm.  This helped the coverage, but is firm and fast to ski.  There are a couple of open areas where the above snowfall was scoured back to the original icy base.  I will be adding snow to these areas.  In the woods there is an average of about 2″ of new snow which was packed yesterday and will have new track set today on Speedy’s, Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, Chick’s Bopp and Deer Meadow.  Should be a little slow for skate skiing but nice for classical.


Found on Chick’s Bopp while grooming yesterday.  There be fairies in these woods!

February 4, 2016

It is amazing what two small snowfalls can do for a ski trail!  The first snowfall was tilled into all of the trails yesterday, and then the second was groomed this morning.  The result is good skate and classic skiing for the weekend.  The existing track was still good on Speedy’s and Uff Da! but will be reset if we get any new snow.  New tracks were set on Emma’s, Liz’s Loop, and Chick’s Bopp.  There is no track set on Skidalen and Ski Bee.



Near the top of the climb on Ski Bee.  (Trail used for the Otter Tail Nordic Invitational)


Looking up from the little slough at the bottom of Deer Meadow


Packing the skate lane on Emma’s.  The track was subsequently reset.

January 31, 2016

Conditions hard and icy.  Conditions could possibly soften up in the afternoon to allow limited skiing on Deer Meadow and Emma’s.  Call 218-770-0163 for current conditions.

January 30, 2016

Conditions hard and icy as of 11:00 am.  There is a 2 km loop (Deer Meadow and Emma’s) that could be skied by expert skate skiers after 1:00 pm.  Not enough snow to recondition and set tracks on any ski trails.  Cindy came in after skiing the above loop earlier today and put on her running shoes and headed down the driveway.

January 29, 2016

Conditions still hard and icy as of 9:00 am.  With warmer temperatures coming, conditions could soften this afternoon.  Please call David at 218-770-0163 for current conditions.


January 28, 2016

The high temperatures and strong winds yesterday have created extremely icy conditions today and the thin base prevents doing much renovation with the grooming equipment. Unfortunately we will have to close the trails until further notice.  Thank you for your understanding.

January 22, 2016

Additional snow since the last posting has freshened up the trails which are in good to excellent condition with only a couple of light snow areas.  All trails have been recently groomed for skate skiing and the classical tracks remain firm after skiing in an additional 1/2″ of snow.  Shallow classical tracks are now set on Skidalen and Ski Bee.  Should be great skiing this weekend with the mild temperatures.  The first Minnesota Youth Ski League session will meet on Sunday afternoon from 2:00 to 3:30 with approximately 40 second through sixth graders participating.  This will fill up the parking lot, but there will be plenty of room on the trails, so don’t hesitate to come out and ski off some of those football (or golf?) snacks.


Ski Bee before classical tracks were set.


January 12, 2016

3/4″ of new snow helped freshen up the trails.  All trails have had the skate lanes groomed and tracks were set on Uff Da!  Existing tracks on other trails were firm and in good shape so they were not reset.  The new snow helped where the tracks were a little thin.  One positive concerning the sub zero temperatures is that it is now safe to groom and ski the Lake Loop on Speedy’s.  That has a skate lane and classic track.  The skate lane will probably be a little soft until it gets skied on and groomed a couple of times.


Lake Loop on Speedy’s


Chick’s Bopp after grooming skate lane.


 New track ready to be skied in on Deer Meadow

January 10, 2016

No change in trail conditions.  Minnesota Youth Ski League scheduled for 2:00 pm today has been postponed due to the cold.  Hearty skiers who view all weather in relative terms and who want to ski in colder conditions than in Barrow, Alaska, (-1) are welcome.

January 8, 2016

No new snow from the last system that passed through the area.  Conditions remain good for skate skiing in most areas and fair to good for classic.  Classic tracks that were scrubbed out for the high school race have been reset.


January 3, 2016

Good conditions with some spots that need extra caution.  Tracks set where possible.  Complete tracks for most of Emma’s, Chick’s Bopp, Liz’s Loop, and Speedy’s.


December 29, 2015

Still waiting for that next snowfall but conditions are good on several trails.  Set some track yesterday, but still not enough base in most areas.  Some track set on Emma’s, Speedy’s, and Chick’s Bopp.  We will be open daily through January 4th and then on the normal schedule after that.


Setting track on Emma’s.


Setting track on Deer Meadow

December 24, 2015

Spidahl Ski Gaard will be open until 3:00 pm Christmas Eve Day and will be closed Christmas Day.  Conditions are fair in the exposed areas, and good to fair in the woods.  On the open trails, there are a few very thin spots that skiers should just carefully walk through.  We will remain open daily through the holiday period.


December 18, 2015

Our last snow event came in two stages.  The first was approximately 3″ of fine, wet snow that packed into a great base.  The second was approximately 1.5″ that was accompanied by a lot of wind.  It blew off the exposed areas, but settled into the woods.  The end result is that there is a good base with overall good coverage and very good coverage in the woods.  Open areas are skiable but with some grass stalks sticking up through the snow.  Trails with rougher terrain will remain closed, but there should be good skiing Saturday and Sunday.  No tracks set yet, so all trails are groomed flat.  Classic skiers should ski to either side.


Deer Meadow by the barn December 17th.


Grooming.  Snow was too wet to roll.


Bushwacking with Knut Ronnevik on Uff Da!


March 5, 2015

Tracks have been set and the skate lane groomed on all open trails.  Excellent skiing in the woods!  Some exposed areas are still light on snow.  The following pictures were taken March 5th.

Deer Meadow Looking Down the Hill

Deer Meadow Looking Down the Hill


Uff Dah!

Uff Dah!

Chick's Park Area on Chick's Bopp Trail

Chick’s Park Area on Chick’s Bopp Trail


Speedy's Climbing Out of Birch Hollow

Speedy’s Climbing Out of Birch Hollow

Rough Spot on Speedy's

Rough Spot on Speedy’s

March 3rd, 2015

The 2+ inches of new snow is packed and tracks will be set Wednesday.  The strong winds scoured some areas that were exposed.  See below for information about accessing Liz’s Loop and Skidalen.

Speedy's Just Groomed After 2+" Snowfall

March 3rd, 2015   Speedy’s Just Groomed After 2+” Snowfall

March 1st, 2015

1/2″ of new snow.  Tracks will be left to be skied in.  Skate lane groomed.  All is white and beautiful!

February 27th, 2015

Trails have all been groomed and tracks reset where possible.  Some area are still problematic so exercise caution when skiing.  To protect your ski equipment, please ski only on trails that have been groomed and if necessary remove your skis and walk through the areas of low snow.  There are long stretches of trail with very good skiing so please come and enjoy those areas.   Please note the information below regarding access to trails.

February 18th, 2015

Set track today on trail sections where there was sufficient snow cover, as well as the lake loop.  There will be good skiing in the woods this weekend but skiers should exercise caution in areas of low snow cover.  Some south facing areas on Speedy’s and Uff Dah! may require you to remove skis and walk for a few yards.  The last section of Speedy’s and the trail section including John’s Telemarking Hill on Uff Dah! are closed with an orange V board across the trail.  The beginnings of Skidalen and Liz’s Loop remain closed.  Access Liz’s Loop from Emma’s and Skidalen from Liz’s Loop.  Anders will be in the ski shop this weekend as I am heading over to Wisconsin for the Birkie.



February 15th, 2015

Groomed the 1″ of new snow received overnight.  No tracks set but nice skiing in the woods.  Some light spots in the open and areas of southern exposure.  Use caution in these areas if skiing on good skis. 

February 13th, 2015.

There is very little base in open areas with some grass poking up, but nice skiing in the woods.  Trails are groomed flat with no track set.  Some sections are closed and there are a couple of south facing sections on Speedy’s where you might choose to walk for a few yards.  Access Liz’s Loop from Emma’s and Skidalen from Liz’s Loop.    Portions of Uff Dah! and Speedy’s are closed, but will be clearly marked.  Ski Bee is closed.

Chick's Bopp February 13, 2015

Chick’s Bopp February 13, 2015

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